This holiday season we invest in girls’ future and education via Plan International

A safe education is both a right and a key to independence and empowerment. This year our Christmas donation goes to Plan International and their work to give girls education. The yearly Christmas donation is one of our contributions to a sustainable society.

A safe education is both a right and a key to independence and empowerment. This year our Christmas donation goes to Plan International and their work to give girls education. The yearly Christmas donation is one of our contributions to a sustainable society.

The world is unequal, and millions of girls lack power over their futures. Global famine, climate change, and conflicts mean a decrease in girls’ rights. The number of child marriages is increasing, and more girls are exposed to sexual violence and are forced to drop out of school. 130 million girls are not in school and are overrepresented among children who lack access to education.

Plan International works for equality and justice, to increase girls’ empowerment, freedom, and opportunity to live a dignified life, and that girls and boys should have the same opportunities.

When a girl is allowed to go to school, it is more likely that she will get a job and shape her own future. It is also crucial for poverty to decrease and gender equality to increase. A safe education of good quality is both a right and a key to independence and empowerment. At MTA we are proud to contribute to the important mission of Plan International and to give more girls the right to an education.

If you want to learn more about our view on sustainability, and what we do, please read our Sustainability Report or check out our website.


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